Welcome spacegirl443. So sorry to hear of your plight. (I'm a faded J.W. by the way)
Without getting into all the scriptural rights & wrongs of Christmas, you and your husband need to have a very straightforward conversation about both of your equal rights in the marital home when it comes to beliefs/religion. Explain to him that you are willing to remove from the home everything connected with your form of Christianity, except your Bible, insisting that he does the same - no J.W. literature whatsoever allowed in the home, then wait for his "loving" response. This should tell you all you need to know about having children with a JW.
Husbandly subjection is a big deal in La-La J.W.-land, so be prepared to defend your individual rights.
I hope you can find a mutually agreeable solution.
p.s. @ Morpheus; w60 12/1 p. 735 Questions From Readers
Granting her freedom of worship may even mean letting her have a Christmas tree in one room of the house during that season, although the believing husband would not let other rooms of the house or its outside be decorated.